When most people hear the term prenuptial agreement, they automatically think it’s an omen or a sign of mistrust. But this isn’t the case at all! A prenuptial agreement can bring a plethora of peace and strength to a marriage. Here’s how:
It Increases Communication from the Start
Miscommunication – or lack of communication – is the root of most arguments. That’s why we recommend discussing with your partner what’s most important to both of you before you get married. This allows for increased communication from both parties. And, with a skilled attorney leading the discussion, you can talk reasonably and in-depth to create a prenuptial agreement.
It Addresses Difficult Topics
When you get engaged, the last thing you want to talk about is a potential divorce. But, having the details written out concerning division of assets, custody of potential children, and the like, can help your marriage thrive! A prenuptial agreement allows for discussion of difficult topics.
It Provides Peace of Mind
By creating a prenuptial agreement before your marriage begins, you are taking strides toward common ground. You can approach your marriage with peace of mind knowing that your partner understands what you will receive or give in the event of a divorce.
How the GEM Family Law Attorneys Can Help
We are passionate about family law; and, in turn, we are passionate about your family. We approach prenuptial agreements with the goal that it will help your marriage thrive! Our attorneys will gladly answer any of your questions and guide you and your partner to resolutions concerning this agreement.
If you’re already married and did not create a prenuptial agreement, we can still be of assistance. Many couples meet with us to write a postnuptial agreement. Whether you’re contemplating a divorce or simply want to have vital information on a legal document, this agreement can also benefit your marriage.