Margaret G. Clemens

- Wellesley College, B.A., 2000
- Vanderbilt University Law School, J.D., 2004
- Georgia
- Domestic Relations
- Family Law
Margaret “Maggie” Clemens is Of Counsel to Eittreim, Martin, Cutler, LLC.
Maggie has been practicing family law for over 16 years, and during that time, she has been focused exclusively on assisting her clients in high asset, complex, family law litigation matters that typically involve both the division of substantial financial assets and complicated custodial and parenting time issues. Maggie is able to bring her experience in litigating the most complicated of family law matters to every case she handles. In addition to complex, high asset and high conflict divorce cases, Maggie also is regularly engaged by her clients to advise on the drafting, negotiation, and enforcement of prenuptial and postnuptial agreements, as well as to handle legitimation and paternity actions for non-married parents, custody and parenting time matters, and post-judgment actions such as modifications of custody, parenting time, child support and alimony, and contempt actions.
Maggie approaches every one of her cases with an appreciation for her client’s individual needs and ultimate goals. She understands that while most family law cases are negotiated to a conclusion prior to a final trial, preparation is the key to a successful outcome, regardless of whether that is in or out of the courtroom. Maggie’s expertise, knowledge and years of experience are crucial to handling any family law matter, and utilizing those tools, she is able to develop constructive and individually tailored solutions for the benefit of her clients.